Deadline: March 15, 2025
Deadline: March 15, 2025
Any patient-related data must be anonymized to ensure privacy. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their work, including the accuracy of citations.
AIM and the Provider ECM, are not responsible for the content of the submitted abstracts.
The publication of all accepted contributions (Oral Communications or Posters) in the scientific program and in Acta Myologica is conditional upon payment of the registration fee. Abstracts without an associated registration will not be considered.
A link to the registration page will be provided via a dedicated button.
Upon Abstract Acceptance the Organizing Secretariat will provide detailed instructions to all authors of accepted contributions regarding the presentation format (Oral Communication or Poster).
For further information, please contact the Organizing Secretariat and ECM Provider at:
Andrea Gaia Rancati
Tel: +39 02.30066329
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